Thursday, January 17, 2013

Half Way There

I've been contemplating a blog about homeschooling for some time now. In the beginning I just wanted to write about all the wonderful things I am finding that go along with homeschooling. I will eventually get to that.
Today has been so relaxed. Most of us are bathed and dressed. And the ones who aren't have declared that they won't be dressing anytime today. Honestly that's probably one of their favorite parts of homeschool.
I am happy to report though that we have made it to the halfway point in our official school year!
This is exciting news because my last attempt only lasted six weeks, I sent Ella back to a regular Kindergarten class, and I went back to work. (In their school of course!)
My goal was to make it past the first six weeks. Then Thanksgiving and Christmas were my next hurdle.
We made it,with far less tears than I expected. (Most of them mine)

I really am so grateful to have a chance to reconnect with my kids, and give them an opportunity to keep their childhood as long as possible! Granted some days are better than others. Some days a kid or I end up sick and not much, if anything gets done. And some days are amazing! Like yesterday for example. We have a busy day on Wednesdays, gymnastics, diving, a trip to the gym for me, and some weeks girl scouts. Sam had his work with him, and for the first time EVER he took over reading and writing on his own! I love getting to see him grow academically! I love to see all of them growing.

It's days like this that I am so happy to see that my obedience to God has big rewards! And now we only have the second half of the school year to get thru!

Life is crazy some days, but these kids are totally worth it!

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